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Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation that the Armed Forces Community should be treated fairly and face no disadvantage when accessing public and private services, with special provision made in appropriate cases for those who have sacrificed the most, including the bereaved and injured. This promise is expressed in the three principles of the Armed Forces Covenant:


  1. the unique obligations of, and sacrifices made by, the armed forces;  

  2. the principle that it is desirable to remove disadvantages arising for Service people from membership, or former membership, of the armed forces; and,

  3. the principle that special provision for Service people may be justified by the effects on such people of membership, or former membership, of the armed forces.  


Plymouth Armed Forces Covenant is our formal commitment of mutual support between the city’s civilian, Veterans and Armed Forces communities. It raises awareness of the issues affecting the Armed Forces and Veterans’ community and ensures that they are not disadvantaged in any way. The Covenant is led by the city’s Armed forces Champion supported by four theme groups that focus on: Veterans; Children Young People and their Families; Serving Personnel and the Business Community. The Covenant seeks to meet its aims through a flexible and ever-evolving plan of action.

In 2022, following the introduction of new Government legislation which further supports the covenant, the Champion and theme groups intend to develop new priorities which focus on keeping veteran’s skills and employment in the city, supporting service children and their families and enhancing provision for veterans. 

Plymouth Armed Forces Day Covenant

What life is like in a service family

Watch this video and learn how children and young people feel and what can be done to better support them.

Skills Launchpad Military Tuesday

Military Tuesday

Working in city-wide partnership to connect military service leavers, veterans, those serving and their families with opportunities for skills, training, education, careers and jobs.

Skills Launchpad Plymouth offers FREE:

  • access to impartial careers information, advice and guidance

  • 1:1 skills assessment to identify your transferrable

  • skills to help you more confidently apply for jobs

  • tailored support for updating your CV and preparing for interview

  • sectoral insights and introductions with local employers across all industries

  • opportunities to gain new skills and undertake training

  • access to ongoing development once you get started to continue up-skilling and developing your new career

Launch your skills journey:

  • Drop in for Military Tuesday at Barclays Bank, Armada Way, Plymouth, open 10am to 4pm every Tuesday

  • For great resources and to sign up for 1:1 support visit

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